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Best ideas for Granny Flat interior design

Regardless of whether you build with us or another granny flat builder, interior design is an important consideration prior to drafting the plans. While colours can be selected after the plans are complete, it is a good idea to know the style of granny flat you are looking for as this will determine the design features, particularly on the facade. Any non Standard Features can be quoted prior to proceeding need to choose before building plans and a detailed quotation can be completed. With this in mind, we’ve put together a few suggestions you may like to consider when planning your granny flat interior.

Granny Flat Interior Design Ideas

The type of interior design theme you choose for your new granny flat should, of course, be one that you find pleasing to the eye, but it should also be practical and easy to maintain as well. You can check out our range of standard designs to get an idea of the possible layouts for your new flat but you’ll still need to think about colours, furnishings and other options. To help you focus on granny flat ideas that will make sense for your property, we have listed a few points for you to consider before you get started.

If you decide to have your granny flat built by Smart Choice Granny Flats, you can look forward to a raft of quality inclusions that will make your interior decorating task much easier. We will also be more than happy to suggest granny flat interior design ideas that meet your needs and preferences. Get in touch now to find out more about what we have to offer.